Suoraan sisältöön

Anttola Church

Anttola Church was originally built in Juva in 1729. After the new church was completed in 1863, Juva donated the old wooden church to Anttola.
The church was taken apart and transported by horses to Anttola in 1869-1870. It was oncecrated in Midsummer of 1871.

The church has gone through many repairs, and the bell tower was added at the end of 20th century.

During the repairs which were designed by Alvar Aalto in 1926, the altar was remodeled and the altarpiece was replaced with a crucifix and candle arrangements.  The next great changes were made in 1962-1965 based on the designs of Veikko Larkas and Yki Nummi. The latest improvements and repairs were made in 1994.

Distance from the centre of Mikkeli: 25km

Mikkelintie 14, 52100 Anttola

0400 143 550
