
Hop On Hop Off Mikkeli - Tourist attractions

Tour to Mikkeli tourist attractions

Experience Mikkeli's seven great tourist attractions in one day.

Heikkilä's Herbal farm, Tertti Manor, Pirtin Kehräämö spinning mill, MosaiikkiMiljöö mosaic shop, Kenkävero, Raijan Aitta and Ollinmäki wine farm wish you warmly welcome.

NEW! With the same day ticket, you can stay with us all day and visit all seven destinations or tour them by theme, see our travel tips.

The tour will take place in summer 2022 as follows:

  • Tuesdays June–July (28.6., 5.7., 12.7., 19.7. and 26.7.)




09:00 Charter bus stop at the Mikkeli Matkakeskus terminal

09:03 Charter bus stop by the market place (behind the Mannerheim statue)

09:10 Charter bus stop by the market place

09:30 Heikkilä herbal farm (duration of visit 45 min)

10:15 Heikkilä herbal farm

10:30 Tertti Manor (duration of visit 1,5 hrs)

12:00 Tertti Manor

12:10 Charter bus top by the market place of Mikkeli

12:15 Charter bus stop by the market place

12:30 Pirtin Kehräämö (duration of visit 45 min)

13:15 Pirtin Kehräämö

13:30 MosaiikkiMiljöö mosaic shop (duration of visit 45 min)

14:15 MosaiikkiMiljöö mosaic shop

14:25 Kenkävero (duration of visit 1,5 hrs)

14:25 Kenkävero

14:30 Charter bus stop by the market place

15:00 Charter bus stop by the market place

15:10 Kenkävero (duration of visit 45 min)

16:00 Kenkävero

16:15 Raijan Aitta (duration of visit 45 min)

17:00 Raijan Aitta

17:15 Ollinmäen wine farm (duration of visit 45 min)

18:00 Ollinmäki wine farm

18:25 Charter bus stop by the market place

18:25 Charter bus stop by the market place

18:30 Charter bus stop at the Matkakeskus terminal


  • 15 € / day / adult
  • 5 € / day / under 15 years old.
  • Children under 3 years free of charge

The price includes: return transfers by charter bus.

Please note

  • The itinerary is sent to passengers the day before.
  • Good to know

Our travel tips

  • You can travel with us all day and visit all seven destinations or tour them by theme.
  • Herbs and food: Heikkilä Herbal farm and Tertti Manor (9:00–12:10)
  • The magic of handicrafts: Pirtin Kehräämö, MosaiikkiMiljöö mosaic shop, Kenkävero and Raijan Aitta. Also Ollinmäki wine farm (12:15–18:30)
  • Berries fresh and in wine: Kenkävero, Raijan Aitta and Ollinmäki wine farm (15:00–18:30)