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Hanhiniitty - Smithy & Canoeing Services

Hanhiniitty is Sanna's and Martti's way of life and family company as well. Hanhiniitty is located in Puumala, in Niinisaari island on Lake Saimaa. Hanhiniitty’s activities, products and services are based on Finnish nature, handicrafts and traditions as well as entrepreneurs way of life.

Martti is a blacksmith. At the workshop he forge traditional, high quality handicraft products all year round. Product range includes sheath knives, axes, log-working tools, construction hardware and various other forged products, including custom-made products. The sales exhibition, located next to the workshop, is open during the summer. At other times of year, products are available by mail order or by arranging a workshop visit. All products are unique, so you can order them according to your own measurements or material wishes, or with an inlay bearing your initials.
In addition to making products in the forge, he also aims to contribute to preserving the blacksmith’s tradition by holding various forging exhibitions and forging courses to share the secrets of a blacksmith’s work. Come and find out more!

Sanna is, besides being blackmith's wife, wilderness guide, canoe instructor and M.Soc.Sci. She runs Saimaa Canoeing Services in Hanhiniitty;which offers various options for canoeing in the middle of waterways to Savonlinna, Mikkeli and Lappeenranta,  eather in the nearby archipelago or venturing further away to different parts of Lake Saimaa.

Saimaa Canoeing rent out kayaks, canoes and other equipment to people setting off independently, and helps to plan routes. On guided excursions Sanna offers a safe way to take to the water without having to worry about the route – concentrate on paddling and admiring the surrounding nature. Canoeing courses are a safe way to take up a good hobby, courses are arranged every summer. Ask more if you are interested.

Come and canoe with us, or at least plan your trip for next summer! In the winter, when Lake Saimaa freezes over, they rent out snowshoes and equipment for winter excursions. We can also accompany you on your winter trip.

Contact us we will tell you more:
Smithy Martti Malinen, +358 40 740 1831 or email:
Canoe instructor Sanna Korhonen + 358 50 5487 653 or email:

Ylösaarentie 84, 52200 Puumala

+ 358 50 548 7653 Sanna


