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Juva Tourist Information

Welcome to Juva, a living country landscape!

Juva is a lively, green, organic municipality situated at the crossroads of highways 5 and 14 in South Savo. It offers a wide range of events, exhibitions, nature trails, historical sites and boutiques. The pace of life is brisk all year round.

In the summer, Juva offers a range of events, art exhibitions, music, markets and Finnish baseball. Old country houses, mansions and mills also offer experiences in idyllic settings.  Among many other events, the Juva Summer Celebration, the summer opening ceremony at Partala Royal Mansion and the Juva evening chariot races offer things to do for the whole family.

Juva has a large number of natural and cultural attractions as well as prehistoric and military-historical sites. Juva’s diverse cultural heritage is on display at the Gottlund cottage and the Gottlund tour, and the crofts, museums and monuments in Juva.

Juva’s grey-stone church stands proud in the centre of the village. The church grounds are the oldest cultural environment in the Juva conurbation, which has changed and evolved over the ages. Church concerts and summer evening concerts resplendent with the beauty of classical music fill the church hall with sweet sound and concert-goers. The organ in Juva church draws several organ players from around the world every year.

The naturally beautiful Squirrel Route takes in rivers, small lakes and white waters from Juva to Sulkava. The canoeing route is also Finland's first biologically researched water nature trail. The route is also suitable for beginners and families.

The Saimaa Geopark is also visible in Juva. The attractions in the area are the Juva drumlin field, the Partala museum area, the Pattoi heritage house, which operates as a homestead museum, and the nationally valuable landscapes of Kaskii. In the south Juva area of Lake Luonteri, which is part of Lake Saimaa, the Saimaa Geopark sites include the sandy beach and rocks at Karihiekka, the rocky terrain of Sarkaslampi, the Raintsaari ridges and rocks, and the Enkelinpesä glacial erratic, with caves and rock paintings.  

Juva is a diverse shopping area. The Vehmaa crossroads area contains factory shops, outlets, a garden centre, a hardware store and a gift shop. The grocery and speciality shops in the parish village are open all year round.

In the winter, Juva can be enjoyed on the well-maintained cross-country skiing tracks. There is a network of more than 50 kilometres of cross-country skiing routes in the area. The routes can be accessed from the parish village and Hasamäki. Visitors can also try snowshoeing in the Itäsuo snowshoeing area just outside the centre of Juva and at Hasamäki. There are renovated ice rinks in several of Juva’s villages, and a 7-kilometre tour skating route will be cleared on the ice of Laki Salajärvi again this winter.  The Hasa Juva Ski Resort offers some higher-octane winter activities.

Find out more:

Brochures are available all year round at the tourist information point at the Juva ABC service station at the junction of highways 5 and 14. Personal advice is also provided at the municipal office at Juvantie 13 between 9 am and 4 pm on weekdays.

Opening hours:

Brochures and other materials are available all year round.
Staff are on site in June and July.

Juvan ABC, Tulostie 1, 51900 Juva

0400 761 944


