Suoraan sisältöön

Mikkeli Centre of Photography


Mikkeli Centre of Photography was established in 1989, being one of the oldest centres of photography in Finland. Mikkeli Centre of Photography is a contemporary and versatile Finnish art centre and museum, which houses five, separate gallery spaces: Hall, Gallery I, Gallery II, Gallery III and Lounge Gallery. In these galleries and in the main lounge there are constanty changing exhibitions showing contemporary Finnish photography, and in Gallery III photographs of local cultural history. There is also a small, high quality library of photographic books for the audience in the Lounge as well as an Information Service Desk.

The Centre promotes photography and visual arts on regional, national and international level. The Centre organises high quality art exhibitions, conducts photography, art and media education, is an expert in publishing photography books and houses a Digital Photography Workshop and design workshop spaces for artists' work, education and research. We work in cooperation with the Cultural Services of Mikkeli City and Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Tuesday-Friday 11.00-17.00
Saturday 11.00-15.00

Sundays and Mondays closed.

The centre is fully accessible.

As an exception to normal opening hours, the centre is closed on Bank
Holidays, during Christmas weeks and Midsummer, and when there is a
construction period of new exhibitions.

Tuesday-Friday 11.00-17.00
Saturday 11.00-15.00

Sundays and Mondays closed

Admission fees 6/3/0 €.

Children and youngsters under 18: free admission.
School classes and educational groups with a teacher, members: free admission.

Puistokatu 3, 50100 Mikkeli

045 149 4866

