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Neitvuori hill and hiking trails

Neitvuori and the hiking trails around Neitvuori hill are located 35-43 kilometres from Mikkeli to the east, and can be reached from the Anttola-Puumala -road (road 62) or road 5 from Rahula, just north of Mikkeli.

The route is guided from the road 62 in Anttola, about 24 km from Mikkeli (signpost: Kokkosenlahti, Neitvuori) and road 5 in Rahula about 12 km from Mikkeli (signpost: Kokkosenlahti).

The magnificient guardian and symbol of the trails is the Hiidenvuori mountain, a mountain today more commonly called "Neitvuori". From the top of the mountain one experiences a beathtaking view over the Luonteri archipelago (110 m above the level of Lake Saimaa).

The hiking trails circling around Neitvuori hill offer numerous alternatives for a nature enthusiast.

1. Hiijje silimukka hiking trail is about 4 km long and starts from the parking area next to the Hiidenmaa farm. The trail is signposted by orange colour.

2. The renowned Hiidenkierros trail, 12 km, can be accessed from Hiijje silimukka trail. The trails are signposted by red color.

Map and brochure of the Hiiden polut trails
The Hiijje silimukka and Hiidenkierros trails are a part of the Hiiden polut trail network. Print a brochure and mape of the entire Hiiden polut trail network.

Neitvuorentie 660, 52100 Anttola

Mikkelin matkailuneuvonta: 044 794 5669
