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Sarkasvuori rock paintings

Ancient rock paintings in Juva's Uimasalo. The biggest painting, the Moose of Sarkasvuori, is about 3,5 metres high from the ground. During the time the pictures were apinted, there was a strait which connected lake Sarkaslampi and Lake Saimaa.

The moose represents the Finnish hunting culture. Even to this day, there is a field area on top of Sarkasvuori hill where the moose spend the winter. It is possible that in the ancient times, the moose were hunted by chasing them to the edge of the hill.

Another rock painting in the Sarkasvuori area is about 500 metres south-east from the moose. Only a part of the painted boat can be seen today and it is about 5 metres high from the ground. Near Sarkasvuori hill, there is also an ancient quarts quarry called Ristilampi.

Viisalanmäentie 979, 51890 Juva

0400 761 944
