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1.10.2022–22.1.2023 ANOTHER REAL SPHERE - HINNI HUTTUNEN in Mikkeli Art Museum

The artist Hinni Huttunen (b. 1990) works using photography and video often appearing in the works of art herself. A self-portrait is an easy and natural expression and allows you to identify with different emotions and states of being. In her artworks, the artist deals with womanhood, gender roles and stereotypical ideas of beauty. Her passions include portraits, squashing bodily norms, romance, trend colours, feminism and the beauty of continuous embarrassment. The feelings of ardour and anger, visual arts, punk music, Tauno Palo as well as memes are sources of inspiration for her.

Hinni’s attitude to art is passionate.  Art for her is the most important thing and the answer to everything. ”I think about art almost all the time. It can feel onerous at times, but I am also at my happiest when I am completely immersed in art.”

Huttunen, who is originally from Pieksämäki, graduated from the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm in 2018. Huttunen, now based in Stockholm, participated in the first M_itä? Biennale of Contemporary Art in the Kuopio Art Museum in 2019. Another Real Sphere in Mikkeli Art Museum is her first solo exhibition in art museum.

More information: Artist Hinni Huttunen,

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Maaherrankatu 18-20, kauppakeskus Akseli 2 krs., 50100 Mikkeli


