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Seal Watching cruises in Puumala

Puumala Seal watching cruises are continued in summer 2020.  The likeable Saimaa ringed seal is one of the rarest seals in the world, and it only lives in lake Saimaa in Finland.  The landscapes in Puumala are fantastic and there are over 20 Saimaa seals living in the area. The five first weeks after ice-out are the best weeks of the year to see seals lying on a rock sunbathing, as the adult seals are changing their fur during that period. Later in summer seals can normally be seen only in the water as they come breathing in surface every 10 minutes approx. Join the friendly captain on a Seal watching cruise and get to know Saimaa seal, its habits, habitat, and if we are lucky…  see Saimaa seal with your own eyes.

There are both open Seal watching cruises and private charters available. Online booking with immediat confirmation to your email

Book here Takaisin